Since DJI did something very strange and did not implement (or disabled) battery charging over USB-C build in Mavic Air, I did want to have other means of charging it during travel. On DJI forum there is a topic about some guy saying “he misses USB charging” and lot of crap from other people giving completely useless advice like “use car charger”, “buy car with 110V outlet” – whatever. For me this was completely valid point and I do want to travel with my Air not only by the car, power it from powerbank and have only one cellphone charger for all my devices. Continue Reading
Since I have the new display in my printer (dot matrix MKS_MINI_12864) I enabled progress bar on it. But, to my surprise, it was all the time empty with printouts from Simplify3d. After, a not so quick, investigation it looks like S3d, by default, does not utilizes M73 gcode command. But not everything is lost, since we have scripting…
I wanted to change my Infitary HiB3 stepstick drivers with TMC2130, mostly to get it working more quietly but also because the perspective (meaby someday…) of other nice features of Prusa i3 MK3 where appealing. Sadly Infitary has all motor drivers SMD soldered so I had to get everything new. I ordered (what seems to be the best value-money choice) Chinese MKS 1.4 board and pack of 5 TMC2130 v1.1 stepper drivers. The only difference (except the price ;)) between Chinese 1.0 and 1.1 TMC stepsticks is that 1.0 are soldered to be used without SPI feedback data. You could change them manually from 1.0 to 1.1 (you would need to resolder 3 jumpers and change side of 4 connectors – see picture), but I assumed it’s too much hassle and I went with 1.1 directly Continue Reading
During upgrading my engraving machine (Chinese so called CNC 3018) I had to do some reverse engineering to do proper connection. Perhaps someone else may find this information useful – so here you go
Laser itself is distributed as two part set. Laser in aluminium cooling block with fan (and four wires), and PWM/TTL controller board.
Controller board uses this main components:
XL4003E1 – voltage regulator with input voltage 5V-32V, 4A CC max with 300kHz switching frequency
If your new installation of Volvo Vida (2012 up to 2014D) does not work – you cannot log in, after fresh and proper installation. Or your existing installation stopped working… well this is because patched license has expired recently (like in 1.1.2018).
Download “patch” (2014A+) that you usually have to apply after installation of Vida, and extract “exe” file to C:\ drive (or wherever is your Vida) – do not run it, just extract it (with WinRar, 7zip etc). This exe file is just self extracting archive with post extract script.
I’ve been looking around for Linux video stabilization for about two years. It’s not like the digital stabilization haven’t been present two years ago, but just recently I have been pushed enough that I had to to something about it.
I bought from China, quite neat looking powerbank on up to four 18650 cells. It has all the needed features (almost) and even more – what could go wrong?
It has:
Output Overcurrent Protection
Input Overvoltage Protection
Electro-Static Discharge Protection
Overheat Safety Protection
Output Overvoltage Protection
Battery Overcurrent Protection
Input Overcurrent Protection
Prevent Current Reverse
Nice! It can charge and discharge each cell individually, has two USB output ports with 1A and 2A output current.
You can read many other nice things about this powerbank on Internet. But the big problem is, it’s a crap! Why?
So, after a year of using mention printer it’s high time to do some firmware tweaking (despite all additional, already printed goodies for the printer itself). My Infitary set came with SD card, on which came also Marlin firmware source code for this printer. Because of it, we have, let’s say “configured” firmware. It’s too old to use now, but all we really need is Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files.
Now just a quick info. It looks like Infitary came with slightly newer version of the printer, it’s now called M508. The main difference is in the board – it looks nicer, is more colourful and it is also Ramp 1.4 now. In git repository of Marlin we cane find config files for this printer – but they will not work out of the box for my older model. I’m not sure, if it’s a proper name, but let’s call it (like in the auction I bought it) Infitary HBi3 (Prusa). The other visible thing, that has change, is the case for power supply.
W Volvo XC70 z 2006 roku, miałem telefon pokładowy. Składał się on z klawiatury telefonicznej (a pod nią całego modułu GSM i GPS), słuchawki fizycznej w podłokietniku, głośnika w
Klawiatura telefonu XC70, a pod nią moduł GSM i GPS.
zagłówku kierowcy i mikrofony przy lusterku wstecznym. Zestaw uzupełniają przyciski odbierania i odrzucania połączeń na kierownicy.
Niby fajnie, może i kilka lat temu był by to przydatny zestaw – teraz nie mogłem dla niego znaleźć sensownego zastosowania. Dodatkowa karta SIM, przekierowywanie numerów… innymi słowy za dużo zachodu, a w końcu w całym tym przedsięwzięciu chodzi o wygodę.
Najprostszym rozwiązaniem (które i tak wdrożyłem – nie chciałem wyrzucać mojego, świeżo co nabytego z samochodem, HU805) jest dokupienie systemu bluetooth/aux/usb do radia, podpinanego pod złącze zmieniarki/nawigacji (w wypadku V70/XC70 z tego okresu). Ale nie mamy wtedy osobnego mikrofonu (chyba że zainstalujemy z zestawu), radio musi pracować w trybie zmieniarki – by można było rozmawiać i słyszeć, że ktoś dzwoni oraz dodatkowo rozwiązanie to wydawało mi się mało eleganckie.
Szybkie studiowanie Vida i moje obawy, że i tym razem ktoś mocno przekombinował system GSM w samochodzie, zostały rozwiane – mikrofon i głośnik doprowadzone są normalnie (nie w postaci zakodowanej, zaagregowanej do szyny itp.) wtyczką do modułu telefonu. Czyli możemy działać!
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